
Iscript.bin headers (headers 1-200)

Here you have the propositions for the Iscript.bin headers. My aim was to make them especially for the "UnknownXXX" ones but I eventualy turned my attention to all the others. You can easily check if they are used by certain entries from Images.dat by looking to the other documents. Some of them may look absolutely differently to those original ones (invented by KramerBoy in ICE) but believe me - I tried to do my best when writing them. There also may be some headers "missing" here, that is their ID numbers would not be included in this table. The explanation is that simply there aren't any headers located at these IDs and - obviously - it is impossible to give any names to them. However, they're listed at the bottom, so if someone would like to use their ID numbers for the own-created headers I don't see any objections. I hope that KramerBoy won't kill me for what I did here.

Original header ID/Name Proposed Name
0/Zerg ScourgeScourge
2/Zerg Scourge DeathScourge Death
3/Zerg Scourge AttackScourge Explosion
4/Zerg BroodlingBroodling
5/Broodling DeathBroodling Remnants
6/Zerg Infested TerranInfested Terran
7/Zerg Infested Terran AttackInfested Terran Explosion
8/Zerg Muta CocoonGuardian Cocoon
9/Zerg DefilerDefiler
10/Zerg Defiler DeathDefiler Remnants
11/Zerg DroneDrone
12/Zerg Drone DeathDrone Remnants
13/Zerg EggEgg
14/Zerg Egg DeathEgg Remnants
15/Zerg GuardianGuardian
16/Zerg Guardian BirthGuardian Birth
17/Zerg Guardian DeathGuardian Death
18/Zerg HydraliskHydralisk
19/Zerg Hydralisk DeathHydralisk Remnants
20/Infested KerriganInfested Kerrigan
21/Zerg LarvaLarva
22/Zerg Larva DeathLarva Remnants
23/Zerg MutaliskMutalisk
24/Zerg Mutalisk DeathMutalisk Death
25/Zerg OverlordOverlord
26/Zerg Overlord DeathOverlord Death
27/Zerg QueenQueen
28/Zerg Queen DeathQueen Death
29/Zerg UltraliskUltralisk
30/Zerg Ultralisk DeathUltralisk Remnants
31/Zerg ZerglingZergling
32/Zerg Zergling DeathZergling Remnants
33/Zerg Air DeathZerg Air Death Explosion
34/Zerg Building DeathZerg Building Explosion
36/Zerg Lurker BirthZerg Birth
37/Zerg Egg SpawnEgg Spawn
38/Zerg CerebrateCerebrate
39/Zerg Infested Command Center(?)Infested Command Center
40/Zerg Spawning PoolSpawning Pool
41/Zerg Evolution ChamberEvolution Chamber
42/Zerg Creep ColonyCreep Colony
43/Zerg HatcheryHatchery
44/Zerg HiveHive
45/Zerg LairLair
46/Zerg LurkerSunken Colony
47/Zerg Large ChrysalisMature Chrysalis
48/Zerg Greater SpireGreater Spire
49/Zerg Defiler's MoundDefiler Mound
50/Zerg Queen's NestQueen Nest
51/Zerg Nydus CanalNydus Canal
52/Zerg Overmind(Shell)Overmind(with Shell)
53/Zerg Overmind(Dies)Overmind Remnants
54/Zerg Overmind(Normal)Overmind(without Shell)
55/Zerg Ultra DenUltralisk Cavern
56/Zerg ExtractorExtractor
57/Zerg Hydra DenHydralisk Den
58/Zerg SpireSpire
59/Zerg Spore ColonySpore Colony
60/Infested CC OverlayInfested Command Center Overlay
61/Zerg Construction1Zerg Construction(Small)
62/Zerg Construction2Zerg Construction(Medium)
63/Zerg Construction3Zerg Building Morph
64/Zerg Construction4Zerg Construction(Large)
65/Zerg Large SpawnZerg Building Spawn
66/Terran BattlecruiserBattlecruiser
67/Terran CivilianCivilian
68/terran DropshipDropship
69/Terran FirebatFirebat
70/Terran GhostGhost
71/Terran Ghost DeathGhost Remnants
72/Terran Ghost Shadow(?)Ghost Death
73/NukeBeamNuke Beam
74/NukeTargNuke Target Dot
75/Terran GoliathGoliath(Base)
76/Terran Terran Goliath TurretGoliath(Turret)
77/KerriganSarah Kerrigan
78/Terran MarineMarine
79/Terran Marine DeathMarine Remnants
80/Terran Marine Shadow(?)Marine Death
81/Terran Medic Shadow(?)Scanner Sweep
82/Terran WraithWraith
83/Unknown105Wraith Afterburners
84/Terran SCVSCV
86/Terran VultureVulture
87/Terran Spider MineSpider Mine
88/Terran Science VessleScience Vessel(Base)
89/Terran Science Vessle TurretScience Vessel(Turret)
90/Terran Siege Tank(Tank)Siege Tank(Tank) Base
91/Terran Siege Turret(Tank)Siege Tank(Tank) Turret
92/Terran Siege Tank(Siege)Siege Tank(Siege) Base
93/Terran Siege Turret(Siege)Siege Tank(Siege) Turret
94/Terran AcademyAcademy
95/Terran Academy(Training)Academy Overlay
96/Terran BarracksBarracks
97/Terran ArmoryArmory
98/Terran Armory(Training)Armory Overlay
99/Terran ComSatComsat Station
100/Terran ComSat ConnectorComsat Connector
101/Terran ComSat(Training)Comsat Overlay
102/Terran Command CenterCommand center
103/Terran Command Center(Training)Command Center Overlay
104/Crashed CruiserCrashed Battlecruiser
105/Terran Supply DepotSupply Depot
106/Terran Supply Depot(Training)Supply Depot Overlay
107/Terran Control TowerControl Tower
108/Terran Control Tower ConnectorControl Tower Connector
109/Terran Control Tower(Training)Control Tower Overlay
111/Terran FactoryFactory
112/Terran Factory(Training)Factory Overlay
113/Terran Covert OpsCovert Ops
114/Terran Covert Ops ConnectorCovert Ops Connector
115/Terran Covert Ops(Training)Covert Ops Overlay
116/Ion CannonIon Cannon
117/Terran Machine ShopMachine Shop
118/Terran Machine Shop ConnectorMachine Shop Connector
119/Terran Missile Turret(Base)Missile Turret(Base)
120/Terran Missile Turret(Turret)Missile Turret(Turret)
121/Terran Physics LabPhysics Lab
122/Terran Physics Lab ConnectorPhysics Lab Connector
123/Terran BunkerBunker
124/Terran Bunker TurretBunker Overlay
125/Terran RefineryRefinery
126/Terran Science FacilityScience Facility
127/Terran Science Facility(Training)Science Facility Overlay
128/Terran Nuclear SiloNuclear Silo
129/Terran Nuclear Silo ConnectorNuclear Silo Connector
130/Terran Nuclear Silo(Training)Nuclear Silo Overlay
131/Terran Nuclear MissileNuclear Missile
133/Nuke ExplosionNuke Explosion
134/Terran StarportStarport
135/Terran Starport(Training)Starport Overlay
136/Terran Engineering BayEngineering Bay
137/Terran Engineering(Training)Engineering Bay Overlay
138/Terran Large ConstructionTerran Construction(Large)
139/Terran Med ConstructionTerran Construction(Medium)^
140/Terran Small Construction1Terran Construction(Small)
141/Terran Small Construction2Addon Construction^
142/Small ExplosionExplosion(Small)
143/Medium ExplosionExplosion(Medium)
144/Large ExplosionExplosion(Large)
145/Terran Large RubbleBuilding Rubble Header
146/Protoss ArbiterArbiter
147/Protoss ArchonArchon Energy
148/Protoss Archon GlowArchon Being
149/Protoss Archon SwirlArchon Swirl
151/Protoss CarrierCarrier
152/Protoss Dark TemplarDark Templar(Hero)
153/Protoss DragoonDragoon
154/Protoss Dragonn DeathDragoon Remnants
155/Protoss InterceptorInterceptor
156/Protoss ProbeProbe
157/Protoss ShuttleShuttle
158/Protoss High TemplarHigh Templar
159/Protoss ReaverReaver
160/Protoss ScarabScarab
161/Protoss ScoutScour
162/Movement Overlay(?)Scout Afterburners
163/Protoss ZealotZealot
164/Protoss Zealot DeathZealot Death
165/Protoss ObserverObserver
166/Protoss Templar ArchivesTemplar Archives
167/Protoss AssimilatorAssimilator
168/Protoss Fleet BeaconObservatory
170/Protoss Citadel of AdunCitadel Of Adun
171/Protoss ForgeForge
172/Protoss Forge SpinForge Overlay
173/Protoss GatewayGateway
174/Protoss Cybernetics CoreCybernetics Core
175/Protoss Cybernetics Core SpinCybrnetics Core Overlay
176/Khydarin CrystalKhaydarin Crystal Formation
177/Protoss NexusNexus
178/Protoss Nexus TrainNexus Overlay
179/Protoss Photon CannonPhoton Cannon
180/Protoss Arbiter TribunalArbiter Tribunal
181/Protoss PylonPylon
182/Protoss Robotics FacilityRobotics Facility
183/Protoss Shield BatteryShield Battery
184/Protoss Shield Battery ActShield Battery Overlay
185/Protoss StargateStargate
186/Protoss Stargate TrainingStargate Overlay
187/Stasis ChamberStasis Cell/Prison
188/Protoss Stasis Chamber(?)Robotics Support Bay
189/Protoss TempleTemple
190/Protoss Fleet BeaconFleet Beacon
191/Protoss Warp AnchorWarp Anchor
192/Protoss Carrier(Death?)Warp Flash
193/Protoss Warping AnimationWarp Texture
198/Ashworld CritterRagnasaur(Ashworld Critter)
199/Badlands CritterRhynadon(Badlands Critter)
200/Jungle CritterBengalaas(Jungle Critter)

* - not any Images.dat entry uses this header.

^ - ID 139 is also used by two addons: Machine Shop and Control Tower. Other addons: Comsat Station, Nuclear Silo, Covert Ops and Physics Lab uses ID 141.

Empty IDs: 1, 35, 85, 110, 132, 194, 195, 196, 197, 263, 355, 363, 364.

You may also use all the numbers strictly over 411. "Strictly" because header of ID 411 somehow cannot be used.

If the proposed name contains a word Header that means it is a standard header for the specified sprites. For example header of ID 215/Unknown62 is a Powerups Shadow Header, what means that the powerups' shadows entries in Images.dat are pointing to the ID of this Header.

