Map details for: 5v3Da Mad Style.scx
Author:Choi Jin Woo
Title:5vs3C Da Mad Style
Description:Minerals are free. Start with 50 minerals.
Kill to increase your minerals.
Workers, gateway, hatch, pool and barracks are free. Marines, zerglings and zealots are also free.
Mine gas for upgrades.
Tileset:Space Platform
Size:128 x 128
Total Minerals:1550000
Total Vespene:2150000
Filesize:2334.0 kB


Submitter's DescriptionLast edited by me(tenkoji)

-Added wav file for cozy game play
-1 colour to all allies
-1 colour to all enemies
-10k Unit limit
-499 Sprite limit
-Fast build for buildings & units & upgrades

This is the 1st time I publish

View: Medium(~200kb) Large(~1MB)

Player Race Owner Zerg Food Terran Food Protoss Food
Human(Allied: On, Random: On, Vision: On, Allied Victory: On
Player 1Red User SelectHuman000
Player 2Blue User SelectHuman000
Player 3Teal User SelectHuman000
Player 4Purple User SelectHuman000
Player 8Yellow User SelectHuman000
Computer(Allied: On, Random: Off, Vision: On, Allied Victory: On
Player 5Orange ZergComputer008
Player 6Brown ProtossComputer090
Player 7White TerranComputer7600
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