Written by Ace Calhoon

In this tutorial I will show you how to train a civilian at the supply depot. Along the way, I will use many of StarGraft's features. The knowledge you can gain from this tutorial can be applied to create many interesting effects.
Required tools:
StarGraft (version 2.1.3, Build 336 or higher)
Arsenal III (I think this is actually optional...)
(01) | Open StarGraft and choose Patch Creator. |
(02) | Go to the file menu and select new. |
(03) | Type in a name for your .PAT (I'm calling mine civlian.pat) and hit save. |
Buttons tab:
(01) | You should now be on the buttons tab. |
(02) | Go to the edit menu and select Add Button Group. (We want to create a new button group) |
(03) | In the top text field type a name for your new button group. (I'm calling mine Terran Supply Depot) |
(04) | Click the blank buttons radio button. (We want this to be a blank set of buttons. We could use another set for a template by clicking the an existing button group radio button) |
(05) | Type 2 into the count text box. (We want two buttons in our button group) |
(06) | Click OK. |
(07) | You should now be able to see and edit your button group by scrolling to the bottom of the list and clicking on it. |
(08) | Scroll until you find the Terran Barracks. (There are a couple of things we need, and it is easiest to copy them) |
(09) | Select the 'Train Marine' command (second from the left on the command slider) and copy it (hotkey: ctrl+c). (This stores a copy of the 'Train Marine' command to your clipboard) |
(10) | Select your new command group. |
(12) | The first command should be selected. |
(13) | Paste the 'Train Marine' command over it. (hotkey: ctrl+v) |
(14) | Select the Terran Barracks again. |
(15) | Select the 'Cancel Last' command (second from the bottom). |
(16) | Copy this the same way you did the 'Train Marine' command. |
(17) | Select your new command group. |
(18) | The first command should be selected. |
(19) | Switch to the second command. (dragging the command slider to the right) |
(20) | Paste the 'Cancel Last' command over it. |
Units tab:
(01) | Switch to the units tab. |
(02) | Select the Terran Supply Depot. |
(03) | Change the value in the '# of commands' box to 2. (We want the supply depot to use two commands) |
(04) | Select your new command group in the 'Commands' pull-down menu. (We want the supply depot to use the new button group we created) |
Unit Requires tab:
(01) | Switch to the unit requires tab. |
(01) | Go to the Edit menu and select Add Requirement. |
(01) | Change the 'Create a new requirement group for' pull-down to Terran Civilian. (We want this new requirement group to be for the Terran Civilian) |
(01) | Leave the an existing Requirement Group radio button selected. (We want to use an existing group as a template) |
(01) | Make sure the pull-down is set to Terran Marine. (We want to use the Marine for the template) |
(01) | Click OK. |
(01) | Scroll to the bottom of the list and select the requirement for Terran Civilian. |
(01) | Move the 'Requirement #' slider to the second mark. (This is the unit/structure that can train the civilian, as set by the preceeding requirement) |
(01) | Change the 'Value' pull-down to Terran Supply Depot. |
(01) | Save your changes and exit. |
Mini FAQ
Where can I go from here?
The techniques used for moving the buttons can be applied to moving any other button (i.e. spells). Also, for fun you might try creating a CWAD that modifies the Civilian. What about making the civilian have a modified iscript.bin entry (use ICE) and has an attack (use Arsenal III). Just don't forget to convert the CWAD to an SECWAD!
Why are my buttons grayed out?
You need to change either the values in the 'unit requires', 'tech requires (research)' or 'tech requires (use)' tabs (sort of like we did with the civilian).
Document written by Ace Calhoon Document updated to HTML format by Otak |