Map details for: Impossible Scenarios Pure.scx
Title:Impossible Scenarios Pure
Description:Use teamwork and strategy to beat these extremely difficult missions. The hardest impossible scenario yet guaranteed!
Tileset:Space Platform
Size:128 x 128
Total Minerals:0
Total Vespene:0
Filesize:64.0 kB


Submitter's DescriptionImpossible Scenarios - Pure

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Player Race Owner Zerg Food Terran Food Protoss Food
Veteran Generals (Hopefully)(Allied: On, Random: Off, Vision: On, Allied Victory: On
Player 1Red ProtossHuman004
Player 2Blue ProtossHuman500
Player 3Teal ProtossHuman060
Player 4Purple ProtossHuman007
Player 5Orange ProtossHuman060
Player 7White ProtossHuman500
Purely Impossible(Allied: On, Random: Off, Vision: On, Allied Victory: On
Player 6Brown TerranComputer106179195
By: SF-DarkPlague(Allied: On, Random: Off, Vision: On, Allied Victory: On
Player 8Yellow ZergNeutral78124128
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