Map details for: Mao Defense.scm
Title:Mao Defense
Description:3 vs 3 combat spawning units and using special skills to change the course of battle.
Tileset:Space Platform
Size:96 x 96
Total Minerals:7500000
Total Vespene:300000
Filesize:41.9 kB


Submitter's Description3 versus 3 combat, and each team has to build to give their computer units to destroy their opponent's computer. To do that each player is constantly building and managing their resources. Each building does something different, and their name tells you

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Player Race Owner Zerg Food Terran Food Protoss Food
Left(Allied: On, Random: Off, Vision: Off, Allied Victory: Off
Player 1Red TerranHuman043
Player 2Blue TerranHuman043
Player 3Teal TerranHuman043
Right(Allied: On, Random: Off, Vision: Off, Allied Victory: Off
Player 4Purple TerranHuman043
Player 5Orange TerranHuman043
Player 6Brown TerranHuman043
Left Soldiers(Allied: Off, Random: Off, Vision: Off, Allied Victory: Off
Player 7White TerranComputer000
Right Soldiers(Allied: Off, Random: Off, Vision: Off, Allied Victory: Off
Player 8Yellow TerranComputer000
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