Map details for: []Starship Troopers SE -§-.scx
Title:=§ Starship Troopers: SE §=
Description:Created By: Panzer_Kavalier
Based on Many SST Maps.

Defend Whiskey Outpost!
Build Up your Forces!
Don't Run out of Ammo!
Tileset:Desert World
Size:96 x 96
Total Minerals:0
Total Vespene:5000
Filesize:68.5 kB


Submitter's DescriptionCrazy Setting where u need to hold off the bug attacks,not running out of ammo and upgrading your units as you see fit.
Check out the bottom of the map for special spell purchases.

View: Medium(~200kb) Large(~1MB)

Player Race Owner Zerg Food Terran Food Protoss Food
Roughneck Defenders(Allied: On, Random: Off, Vision: On, Allied Victory: On
Player 1Red ZergHuman004
Player 2Blue ZergHuman004
Player 3Teal ZergHuman004
Player 4Tan ZergHuman004
Player 5Hi-indexed ZergHuman004
Player 6Green ZergHuman004
Created By: Panzer_Kavalier(Allied: On, Random: Off, Vision: On, Allied Victory: On
Player 7White ZergComputer0014
Arachnid Species [10.27.01](Allied: On, Random: Off, Vision: On, Allied Victory: On
Player 8Yellow TerranComputer000
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