Map details for: DotA AllStars v1.2.scx
Title:DotA AllStar v1.2
Description:)))--->>>-NightDead20-<<<---((( Present "DotA AllStar v1.2
New Generation On "DotA" For StarCraft
Created By ]]--NightDead20--[[ For Community On Battlenet
Tileset:Jungle World
Size:256 x 256
Total Minerals:300000
Total Vespene:100000
Filesize:1017.1 kB


Submitter's DescriptionNew Dota generation see more details in game.

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Player Race Owner Zerg Food Terran Food Protoss Food
The Sentinelº(Allied: On, Random: Off, Vision: On, Allied Victory: On
Player 1Blue ProtossHuman000
Player 2Teal ProtossHuman000
Player 3Purple ProtossHuman000
The Scourgeº(Allied: On, Random: Off, Vision: On, Allied Victory: On
Player 4Orange TerranHuman000
Player 5Brown TerranHuman000
Player 6Yellow TerranHuman000
Date Release: 05-09-2009(Allied: On, Random: Off, Vision: On, Allied Victory: On
Player 7Red ProtossComputer000
Created by: NightDead20(Allied: On, Random: Off, Vision: On, Allied Victory: On
Player 8Green TerranComputer002
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